Paper number 122


Jin H. Huang1, Wen-Long Dai1, Hsien-Kuang Liu1 and Chao-Kuang Chen2

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Feng Chia University
Taichung 407, Taiwan, Republic of China
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University
Tainan 701, Taiwan, Republic of China

Summary Explicit formulae are presented to assess the optimized fiber volume fraction for maximum magnetoelectric coupling effect exhibiting in the composite with piezomagnetic matrix reinforced by piezoelectric continuous fibers. The formulae consist of the analytical expressions for the effective properties of the composite and the magneto-electro-elastic Eshelby tensors. With these expressions, the closed-form solution for the magnetoelectric coupling effect, which is a new property existing in the piezoelectric-piezomagnetic composite even though neither of the individual phases exhibits such a property, is acquired. Furthermore, by taking the derivative of the close form for magnetoelectric coupling effect with respect to the fiber volume fraction as zero yields the optimized volume fraction of fibers analytically. The optimized fiber volume fraction shows that it is a function of the elastic properties of constituents, but not a function of the magnetic and electric properties.
Keywords piezoelectric/piezomagnetic composites, the magneto-electro-elastic Eshelby tensors, magnetoelectric coupling effect.

Theme : Smart Materials and Smart Manufacturing

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